Why I write.

6:10 AM

Sometimes I really struggle to find things worth writing about in here.
I don't have any cool fashion tips to give, I don't know how to contour make up and as much as I love working out, the extent of my fitness advice would be to not eat pizza as often as I do...
It seems as though the bar for blogging is constantly being raised and I feel a little intimidated to share any thoughts I have because, well, in all reality- who cares what I have to say?
The mundane nature of my everyday life doesn't exactly provide much writing material and my opinions about most subjects couldn't possibly bring excitement to anyone's ears. 
But then I have these moments where I have to remind myself that this isn't for anyone else.
I don't write to appease people.
 I don't do it in hopes of winning a nobel prize.
I do it because I enjoy it. 
Because I feel a sense of comfort in recording my thoughts, no matter how vulnerable they may be.

One of my favorite things to do is go back & read old posts from college... even though it's incredibly embarrassing as well.
I was so good at recording every memory, every hard day, every experience...
And while i'm fortunate for that, I'm saddened by the lack of memories I've locked into here these last few years.

So I'm challenging myself to start writing more...
I think I say that a lot, so I don't know how much validity my words hold, but I'm going to try.

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