our world today.

7:31 PM

I know that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I respect any differences that I share with others, but I want to be able to speak freely on this issue because it's weighing heavy on my heart.

There's a lot of bad things going on in the world lately, i'm sure we can all agree on this.
Every day i'm surprised by the things that I find on my facebook feed because every day i'm convinced that it can't get any worse.

When the situation at the zoo happened, where the little boy fell into the Gorillas exhibit, people immediately turned to Social media to place blame on anyone they could.
"The fence should have been more secure."
"The parents should have been paying better attention to their kid."
I was confused by all of the accusations that were filling my news feed. 
At no point while reading about that situation did I stop to think, "who's to blame here?" 
My immediate thoughts surrounded the little boy and how frightened he must have been.
I thought about his parents and how helpless they must have felt. How much they probably regretted taking their eyes off of him for even a second.
When did we start living in a world where accidents are no longer allowed, yet judgments and attacking accusations are so freely welcomed? 

And then the little boy & the alligator attack... again I found myself in awe at the things I was reading. 
"What kind of idiot parents would let their child play near water in FLORIDA?"
I couldn't fathom being the parents of that little boy, having lost their child in such a tragic accident, to then see their names plastered over the internet by people who are apparently perfect.
Where is the compassion? Where is the unity? Where is the sympathy? 

It's no wonder we live in a time where mental illness is so prevalent - look at the way we treat one another. 
It's easy to sit behind a computer screen and have an opinion about a situation that you weren't a part of, but did it ever cross your mind to stop & put yourself in their shoes? 
Why would we actively try to cause more pain in someones life with cruel and meaningless words that hold no validity? 
It's easy for us to unite and become one when terrorists attack, but when a tragic accident occurs, suddenly we all become experts on how the situation should have been handled and we waste our time fighting over facebook status's about it.

I'm sick about it.
I'm sad.
I'm worried.

"Try a little harder to be a little better."
We need to fight these battles together, not create a divide. 
One day it's going to be you who needs a little extra help, a little extra sympathy, and I hope that those around you will offer it. 
I know that I will.

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  1. Laila all jokes aside this has probably been the best thing that I've read on all the events that I've seen lately and unfortunately I have found myself guilty in something that I didn't know was a problem until your words. Thank you for putting it in that perspective,seriously I love it and will always think before I react to an event about the individual rather than blame. Keep up the blogging!!

  2. Laila this is a very beautiful message. Thank you for sharing =))




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