
9:08 PM

It's been years since I've actively written in here so I am attempting to start again...

Seeing as how this is kind of like a diary to me, I feel that it's important that you know a little about me and who I am before I let you into my life so freely. :)

I'm 26 - single - and happy. 
I am extremely clumsy. The phrase "this is why we can't have nice things" is my life motto. I break everything, spill everything, lose everything, trip over everything, etc...
I hate confrontation. 
I don't like hurting people's feeling and I don't do sarcasm at the expense of putting someone down. 
I love my hair. Preferably curly.
I am super sensitive, but equally strong. When you hurt my feelings, I won't tell you because I can deal with it on my own.
I have no problem admitting my flaws. Pride is not an issue for me.
I like taking care of people; both a blessing & a curse.
With that, I hate asking for help. I don't like being a burden on others.
I very rarely eat breakfast. I know, I should, but I just don't. 
Diet Coke is and always will be a part of my life. (sometimes Dr. Pepper)
I'm terrible at making "on the spot" decisions. I like to think about things.
I'm a really good girlfriend, but really bad at the process prior to that. If you want to date me, you'll have to make it clear and make it happen because i'll never catch on.
I love pizza, probably more than the average person.
"Netflix & Chill" should be engraved on my tombstone. 
I always love and trust people way more than they deserve; but i'd rather be like that than the opposite.
Pregnancy freaks me out. I don't understand how something can just grow inside of you and I really don't want to understand. (I'm sure I won't feel that way forever) 
I need sleep. I am such a miserable person without it.
I like to plan. That doesn't mean I can't be spontaneous, I just like to plan when planning is necessary.
I don't understand bad people and I'm thankful for that, it means i'm not like them.
My facial expressions need to be controlled. I say everything i'm feeling from my face. 
I have an incredible relationship with God, even though I sin daily.
I easily get overwhelmed by the sadness of other people. I don't know how to disconnect my feelings from those of others.
I think that I come off as anti social sometimes, but i'm really just nervous when I'm around new people so I get stand off-ish.
On the other end of the spectrum, I am probably too loud and too chatty around people I'm comfortable with. (sorrynotsorry)
My biggest fears are sharks and kidnappers.
I used to get bad night terrors as a kid and still do at times.
I offer to drive almost everywhere I go. I like having my car with me. Plus I get car sick in the back.
I'm not patient. I say a lot of bad words in traffic. I hate when people are late.
Anytime I'm having a mid life crisis or go through a break up, I book a flight. (literally)
I love reality tv shows. 
My mom knows everything and is always right. (Believe me, I've tried to prove this theory wrong, it never works.)
I am the queen of taking pictures. Everyone complains about it but they also secretly love it. 
I talk to myself A LOT.
I love in whole measures, I forgive always, I apologize when needed, I give without taking and I always put myself in other people's shoes.
I'm not an incredibly insecure person but I'm also not incredibly confident; I just know who I am and what I have to offer and I know that one day that'll be enough for someone.

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  1. Ugh...why didn't I know this stuff about you now I feel like a jerk and have probably been mean to you because of my sarcasm and made you sick while riding with me

  2. This was a nice blog...I enjoyed reading it. Learned so much about you...I think I lost your number lol have you been?




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